AARP Driver Safety is a program that provides classes for sharpening driving skills to drivers age 50 and over. To celebrate its 40th anniversary, the team requested a mark to place on their exiting collateral to advertise a special discount.
The new mark would be seen by current and prospective AARP members that have not enrolled in the program and it needed to seamlessly fit into existing collateral.

The team was open to concepts, so we suggested a type approach that put emphasis on the number 40. Two marks featured vehicle themed imagery while another was a simple typographic approach.

After reviewing the first round of options, we determined the mark should not be locked up with the Driver Safety sub-brand logo. To maintain brand consistency, we created a badge that could be placed anywhere on the page.

The concepts we presented were well received and the team reacted positively to the marks echoing vehicles. The team chose the circular badge with their only change being the addition of the word “celebrating.”