The AARP Driver Safety program provides classes for sharpening the skills of drivers aged 50 and over. The Driver Safety team reached out to AARP Brand Creative Services to develop an informational booklet that covered all of their programs and could be distributed at events.
Previously, the Driver Safety team relied on outside vendors to create collateral. The vendor’s design quality was mixed and frequently in violation of brand guidelines, so I was eager to guide the design back to AARP’s high standards. In a week, I created and presented a 12-page brochure to the team.

I proposed a storytelling approach in order to make an emotional connection with readers. This was accomplished through large-scale lifestyle photos. The content showed seniors in idealized scenarios, such as a road trip with family. As a brand designer, it was also my duty to ensure the design fell under our brand standards, keeping with AARP’s typography, colors, and logo treatment.
The Driver Safety team loved the end result, stating that the design was higher quality than what the previous vendor produced. In particular, they felt the art direction was simultaneously inspiring and informative. This project helped the Brand Creative Services Team win over the Driver Safety team, bringing in more requests to create their event collateral.